Who called from the number +1 (929) 800-4150

Below is the caller ID information for 929-800-4150. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +1(929)-800-41-50

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Caller ID

(929) 800-4150

New York

Recent Activity

Activity Timestamp
n/a n/a

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Variants of this Phone Number Formats

(929) 800-4150


Homer :

Tell then to F**K OFF!

M :

IRS Spam.

Angelcassiel :

929-800-4150 called and went to voicemail. When I listened to the voicemail, half of the message was cut off. The message said I had 4 serious allegations against me and I needed to call ASAP to clear up.

Web :

929-800-4150 called and went to voicemail. When I listened to the voicemail, half of the message was cut off. The message said I had 4 serious allegations against me and I needed to call ASAP to clear up.



Annie :

Got a call from 929-800-4150 that went to voicemail since I do NOT answer calls from numbers I do not know. Only a partial message was recorded abd it sounded like someone who was drugged. Like others have posted, the message said I had "4 serious allegations against me" and I needed to call ASAP to clear it up. Not happening - I am not stupid and am definitely not going to fall for this ludicrous crap.

T :

i just tried to call it back and the recording said "the magic jack customer you have called does not have a person to person line set up yet please try back another time"

Maggie :

This number called me and I had a previous call from a different number which I blocked. The very same message I have 4 serious charges against me and I would have a visit from police department to arrest me. Funny. I work with the police here and they said this was bulls**t, don't respond, no charges awaiting me, spam. Brush them off, this is a scam.

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