What is the benefit of using Our directory?

USAdecLines.com is the free phone directory that allows users to search caller ID and read/write the comment without registration.

How can I report the phone number?

If you realize the phone number is strange, USAdecLines.com has a search box that allows users to enter a number. After you have entered to phone number page, you can write a comment and share your experience.

Someone posted my personal information on USAdecLines.com. How to delete it?

Submit your request to change the listing information via the contact form or click the "Edit Listing" button in the right column of the site.

Why can’t I find the caller's name to a phone number?

Information on a certain phone number may be unavailable for a number of reasons. First, the caller name may not be listed in any databases; second, scammers tend to use fake numbers; and third, data coverage is not 100%, thereby limiting caller ID information.

What countries are supported?

At this time, Our directory only compiles information on U.S. and Canadian numbers. The listings are limited to these two countries; however, we plan to expand and add more phone numbers from other countries to the database in the future.

What does flagging a number as “Safe” or “Unsafe” mean?

To streamline the service, we allow users to instantly flag a phone number as safe or unsafe with the click of a button. Indicating a number is safe means it is a trusted caller, while an unsafe number would refer to a scammer or other unscrupulous caller.

How do I remove or edit my comments?

If you posted a message, please contact us to remove your comment. Be sure to include the URL of the site page and the commentator's name in the message.

How do I update or correct my listing?

Submit your request to change the listing information via the contact form or click the "Edit Listing" button in the right column of the site.

My number has been spoofed, and it has inaccurate comments. What can I do?

Step 1: Post a clarification notice explaining the situation in the comments section. Step 2: Contact us to close down the comments section for your phone number. Click the "Remove Listing" button in the right column of the site.

Still need help? Click here to send us a note!