Who called from the number +1 (864) 210-5974

Below is the caller ID information for 864-210-5974. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +1(864)-210-59-74

Using our site you can find out the state, city, and operator of the phone number - (864) 2105974. If there have been reviews on the phone number before, then you can get information from the comment section about who called and whose number it is, completely free of charge. With the help of this, the reliability of the call can be assessed, as cases of fraud (scam) have become more frequent recently. The analytical data presented on the web page will help you quickly assess the dubiety of an unknown phone number.

Caller ID

(864) 210-5974

South Carolina

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Activity Timestamp
n/a n/a

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Variants of this Phone Number Formats

(864) 210-5974


No name :

Yup, got postcard. Package shipment awaiting. Yeah, right.

Mark :

Definitely a scam!

ScamScourge :

Got the postcard, stupidly called the number out of curiosity before running any checks on it. Got a message that sounded very similar to a phone company message with the little initial bee-boo-beep like for a wrong number, but then telling me I needed to add a 1 or 0 before the '5 digit code'. That sounds like a reference to the code on the mailing, so I suspect they're trying to get you to trigger some action using the code. Forgot to write down the code prior to shredding mailer, did NOT go any further at that point.

NOT gona be had that easy! :

RE: PINK CARD ARRIVED IN MAIL SAYING "PACKAGE SHIPMENT" "FINAL NOTICE"--------------------------------------They want you to call to verify WHEN YOU ARE HOME! To #1 either rob your house when your not home #2 come arrest you for some illegal you may be involved with like drug deals, bench warrant, bad internet activities etc and they need to know when you are home so they can be sure your there when they arrive. #3 Rob YOU when you are AT home #4 Whatever else you may think of ... This is a definite setup or scam of some sort or a definite police tool to verify when you are there...Whatever the case is DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS CARD IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!

NOT gonna be had that easy! :

They want you to call to verify WHEN YOU ARE HOME! To #1 either rob your house when your not home #2 come arrest you for some illegal you may be involved with like drug deals, bench warrant, bad internet activities etc and they need to know when you are home so they can be sure your there when they arrive. #3 Rob YOU when you are AT home #4 Whatever else you may think of ... This is a definite setup or scam of some sort or a definite police tool to verify when you are there...Whatever the case is DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS CARD IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!

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