Who called from the number +1 (630) 326-6092

Below is the caller ID information for 630-326-6092. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +1(630)-326-60-92

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Caller ID

(630) 326-6092


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n/a n/a

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Variants of this Phone Number Formats

(630) 326-6092


Not Very Happy :

These ppl are trying to ILLEGALLY trying to pass themselves off as a branch of MEDICARE - saying they are MEDICARE PATIENT SERVICES, which under Medicare, DOES NOT EXIST! They somehow have ILLEGALLY obtained my CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL MEDICAL INFORMATION WITHOUT MY CONSENT (under HIPPA, it is illegal to share personal medical records/ info UNLESS it is specifically indicated IN WRITING BY YOU & YOU ONLY!) I don't kniw how they obtained my personal medical info, but I am livid - as they also tried questioning me about the info they had somehow obtained as well. Also curious how they got my name & phone numver too - which ironically, is NOT ON FILE on my Medicare acct - as I use my other address/ phone on opposite sude of Country specifically for Medicare. Then there's the fact that they couldnt have guessed either, as I'm far younger than retirement age but am on Medicare for my medical issues (that no one else but Medicare or certain drs would know) I promptly reported them to the FBI/ DOJ (Dept of Justice) for poss fraud/ ILLEGALLY presenting themselves as a branch of Goverment - as well as having ILLEGALLY obtained my personal medical info as well. I would highly SUGGEST anyone else getting thr same type if call reporting them as well. It sickens me to death that they may actually fool many other Medicare recipients out there for ill purposes, possibly for potential financial gain (billing Medicare for bogus/ fake services using your name/ illegally obtained medical info - identity theft, etc.) Who knows....

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