Who called from the number +1 (613) 714-5360

Below is the caller ID information for 613-714-5360. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +1(613)-714-53-60

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Caller ID

(613) 714-5360


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Activity Timestamp
n/a n/a

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Variants of this Phone Number Formats

(613) 714-5360


M parker :

Said that they were revenue canada and were reading my assets

Henry fredericks :

called saying they were revenue canada and were taking everything i own and to call back a number

Nathalie Perreault :

Tried to scam me by informing me my assets would be frozen I hung up immediately

Paul :

These a$$holes left a message saying they were going to initiate legal proceedings on me, and mark a lean on my assets, bank accounts, etc. They claimed I owed the government taxes (false), and if I wanted to stop the legal proceeding, I was supposed to call them back at this "tax defaulters line". While this was obviously Bull$hit, I informed Revenue Canada. They assured me that they were aware of scams like this, and that they would NEVER call or leave messages like that.

Chery :

same issue - will not be calling back

Revenu Canada motherfucker :

Just waist their time and tell hem To fuck off

Fuken pakis trying steal from ya :

Fuken pakis trying steal from ya hang up and tell them fuk u

RowdyK :

The call went through to voicemail advising CRA would commence legal proceedings. Did not call back but deleted the call immediately.

Antoine :

Called several times threatening legal action

Grace :

Hi, I received this call number today, pretending be agency revenue Canada. and it was a voice message speaking and threatening legal action. thank you

Pissed off :

Why don't the phone companies go after these crooks? How many more complaint need to be made?

Nadia :

Scam harassment Canada revenue agency call The guy told me to fu me when I said stop harassing people with fake revenue calls get a real job you think people are stupid

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