Who called from the number +1 (516) 303-8245

Below is the caller ID information for 516-303-8245. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +1(516)-303-82-45

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Caller ID

(516) 303-8245

New York

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Activity Timestamp
n/a n/a

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Variants of this Phone Number Formats

(516) 303-8245


F. White :

This number claimed to be from IRS. I even called them back and they answered IRS. I told them I didn't believe them because the IRS doesn't work this way. I also told them that if they were the IRS, go ahead and send out the authorities now "I dare you". He said OK he'll do that right now. So I asked him where are you going to send them since you don't know who is calling? He then called me a "son of a bitch" and hung up.

S. Esquivel :

It was a robocall claiming the local police would come arrest me as there were "four serious allegations pressed on your name at this moment" unless I called them within 24 hours. I've had the exact same recording from so many other numbers I finally decided to start reporting it. Don't worry and don't believe them. This is not how any agency works.


Same comments as above, said I had four complaints against my name, and I would be arrested if I didn't call back.

Lynn harris :

Called on Saturday threaten me that the IRS was in the process of sending authority to my house to arrest me. There should be a federal law against Companies making these types of calls.

Fis :

Same comments as above

D.N :

Automated message saying that there were 4 issues with my tax return and If I don't contact them in 24hrs local police will be involved.

Chris :

Same as the above

R d :

called threatening legal action

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