want you to call another number to find out what charges have been filed against you.
Who called from the number +1 (316) 249-2836
Below is the caller ID information for 316-249-2836. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +1(316)-249-28-36
Using our site you can find out the state, city, and operator of the phone number - (316) 2492836. If there have been reviews on the phone number before, then you can get information from the comment section about who called and whose number it is, completely free of charge. With the help of this, the reliability of the call can be assessed, as cases of fraud (scam) have become more frequent recently. The analytical data presented on the web page will help you quickly assess the dubiety of an unknown phone number.
Caller ID
(316) 249-2836
Recent Activity
Activity | Timestamp |
n/a | n/a |
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Variants of this Phone Number Formats
Number |
(316) 249-2836 |
316-249-2836 |
+1316-249-2836 |
+1-316-249-2836 |
+1(316)-249-2836 |
+1(316)-249-28-36 |
Threatening call regarding some legal matter
Call probably scam or phishing in order to get you to call a different number saying that your name and social has been recorded in conjunction with some court case. Does not identify company/person calling. Does not identify person they are trying to reach. I would not call and give them any information. The call comes from a different state than the one I live in.
Calls from Kansas saying my name and social security number is involved with a legal case and that i'm the defendant. Leaves totally different number to call back. No name of person calling or business.
Call from Kansas saying my name and social security number is involved with a legal case. Leaves different number to call back.
Robocall threatening legal action. States your name and SSN are listed as defendant in some BS case. DO NOT RESPOND!!!
unknown out of sate number from kansas. calls repeatedly 5 times in a row and leaves no message. evidently this a not a call made by a live person. its dialing an old number i have .
States not a marketing call and a complaint has been filed against me and I need to listen completely to the 30 second message. I did and I was given another number to call. A legal complaint was filed against me and if I didn’t respond court action would be taken and I needed to know my rights. The call is from Wichita, Kansas. It may be from the USPSIP, which is postal inspectors. I don’t know if any crime I’ve committed unless something I did on the Internet or some posting or an unfavorable site I accidentally got on. A name of Matt Russell was given as the caller. How did they get our number. It looks like our phone calls were all around the same dates.
Wants you to call another number "TODAY". Says it's "not a solicitation call" and my "name and SSN are listed on an affidavit". SCAM -Whatever you do don't give them your information!
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